After reading below click on the “Report A Swarm” button.

Things TO do.


Play it safe.

Never do anything you are uncomfortable with.  Get as far away from the bees as necessary to feel safe.  Especially if you are allergic or don’t know if you are allergic.


Make sure they are honey bees.

If you don’t know the difference between honey bee and hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets please visit this page.


Give a call.

As soon as possible let us know about the bees.

Things to NOT do.


Do not disturb or tease the bees

A swarm of bees are usually not aggressive.  They are just looking for a new home.


Don't spray the bees with any type of chemical

This will either kill the bees or make them mad.  We don’t want mad or dead bees.


Do not spray the bees with water.

Spraying bees with water will upset them and cause them to go airborne.  You will soon have a lot of mad bees flying around.


Do not attempt to remove the bees yourself.

Bee removal should only be performed by an experienced beekeeper.